Friday, January 6, 2012

Making Progress

I haven't posted for a couple of weeks.  The holidays had the potential to slow me down, but somehow leaving family and time you see me, I'll be a Dr. has spurred my work forward.  I have to meet that goal and I've got a lot of work to do! I am also itching to get back to work and I'm not crazy about the idea of trying to job hunt and dissertation write at the same time. 

Having the kids at home, I knew that working on transcribing and coding would be too difficult, but I did get a lot of good reading in.  I'm thinking that future posts may be reviews of some of the books I've read.  Look forward to hearing more about:
The Speed of Trust by Stephen M.R. Covey (the son)
Leaders of Learning by DuFour and Marzano
Motion Leadership by Michael Fullan and
Focus by Mike Schmoker.

I've just started Community by Peter Block and on deck are:
Encouraging the Heart by Kouzes and Posner and
Leading School Change by Todd Whitaker.

I am also very eager to share about my methodology for the individual and team interviews using an unfolding matrix, but that also has to wait until I complete all of the team interviews, as not to add bias to my study.

Until next time...